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Cloth Makes Toileting Easier!

Did you know that cloth nappies can help make toilet training easier?!

I’m not a fan of the word toilet training, it’s more toilet learning or toileting!
I am a big believer that if you follow your babies lead they will do it in their own time. Some babies are ready early and others need a little more time. Regardless of when, cloth nappies do help the process!

If you can see that your child is doing these things they are probably ready:

~ Going 2 hours without a wet nappy
~ They know when they are going and can tell you with words of gestures that they are going
~ Bub becomes increasing interested in the toilet and watching others on the toilet
~ They really start to dislike wearing a nappy

So where does cloth come in?
The benefit of cloth nappies is the placement of the inserts, you are able to put the insert directly on their skin so they can feel the moisture.

A disposable nappy draws the moisture away from bub so they don’t feel it and you can’t change the way a disposable nappy does that.
Cloth however, you can!
There is a lining between insert and bub, this draws moisture away keeping them nice and dry but when the signs above are prevalent you can help bub by placing the insert directly on their skin rather than inside the pocket. This way they will feel the moisture on the insert and start associating the wetness with needing to go to the toilet.
It’s a nice and gentle way to help assist bub when they are showing other signs of readiness.
📷 This gorgeous pic was taken by @starseedcrystaldesigns featuring the fabulous @hollyjacksonart