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All Things Business and Natural with Jess from Nature Eco Store @liam.blends

We have been long time followers of Nature Eco Store @liam.blends it has been beautiful to watch this business grow and thrive in the natural sphere so we jumped at the chance to chat with Jess everything business and natural!

You posted recently about the "why" as in why you started Liam Blends and I absolutely loved it! Would you please share it with me again for those that didn't see it?

So Liam Blends came about as a result of my love for essential oils and low tox lifestyle solutions. How I came to start using essential oils was due to our son, Liam.
When Liam was 18 months old he had started to become quite difficult to get to sleep, primarily at night. It was taking us hours on end to get him to sleep then we would be up again at 4-5am in the morning so a friend suggested essential oils. It was like magic, our essential oil routine made it so he was asleep within 30 mins to an hour instead of the usual 2-3 hours we had been experiencing.
What I love about essential oils for sleep is that they are a gentle approach to address sleep issues, they assist in the wind down routine helping to relax our bodies and mind especially for our little ones who are yet to be able to consciously "switch off".
It was through this journey that I discovered a whole world of uses for essential oils and started to make my own products, cleaning , skincare you name it.

What was your introduction into all things 'natural', is it something your mum passed down to you or was it something of interest?

So no, my mum never had much of an interest in being sustainably conscious or using natural products, in fact most of what my mum now knows and follows for sustainable living she learnt from me.
I'm not too sure when I started to want to be more eco friendly and use natural products. I'd say probably when I became a mum myself and took up photography as a hobby that I became more aware of just how beautiful our environment is and what we need to do to keep it that way.
My Husband, Ashley and Liam and Ebony are all very outdoorsy and have a love for all things nature so I think that has sparked my love for nature and preserving our environment for our children to continue to enjoy.
Having a child with ASD, it has been a focus of mine to keep his play simplistic and natural, he has so many obstacles in his head just to walk through a room so when it comes giving him enjoyment we simplify it, get back to basics.

As you've seen Liam Blends grow into such a beautiful business, what's the most rewarding part for you? 

Probably the most rewarding part of seeing Liam Blends grow is seeing the products I've produced or handpicked to stock, be so well loved and literally change people's lives.
I know what it's like to be sleep deprived and honestly desperate to try anything so it makes me so happy when I hear that one of my products has actually helped them and made their day just that much easier even if it's just a little, it all counts. 

Which is your favourite product and Why?

This is really tricky, so many of our products I just love and use myself on a daily basis. But I'd say it's probably the Lullaby Blend range, there is a reason it's available in such a great variety of products, including play-dough  and that's because it attracts so many people.
It's a subtle scent so not overpowering and made with 3 key essential oils that are completely safe for all stages of life including babies, breastfeeding mums & pregnancy. So far it's also quite unique as not many other businesses have blended the oils in this blend together so it's a creation I'm quite proud of & it was the Lullaby Linen Spray that kick started this little business venture too. 

If you would like to know more about Nature Eco Store please visit their page, we are also running a joint competition until 7pm AEST Wednesday 2nd June. All the details are on their page.